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LEGENDS OF SEA AND LAND - (by Evgeny Emelyanov)  Year: 2015
Evgeny Emelyanov A swashbuckling, fiesty and excited track with a fantasy- or pirates feel. This track essentially consists of two halves: The first part is a dramatic, dark, pensive and ominous orchestral track with a sneaky, foreboding feel. Mixed Vocals, Dangerous, Dangerous Music
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Full Track - Dangerous, Dangerous Music
756783 3:37 Slow 76 USD $88.95  
Variation A (FIRST HALF ONLY) - Dangerous, Dramatic Chase
756778 2:02 Slow 76 USD $89.95  
Variation B (NO CHOIR OR VOCAL) - Dangerous, Dangerous Droning
756779 3:37 Slow 76 USD $89.95  
Variation C (NO CHOIR VOCAL) - Dangerous, Dark Music
756780 3:37 Slow 76 USD $89.95  
Variation D (No Drums) - Dangerous, Dark Music
756781 3:37 Slow 76 USD $89.95  
Variation E (SECOND HALF ONLY) - Dangerous, Dark Music
756782 1:26 Slow 76 USD $81.95  

Track Summary
Music Track Title: Legends of Sea and Land
Catalog ID: 756783  ISRC: US5UL1544001
Description: A swashbuckling, fiesty and excited track with a fantasy- or pirates feel. This track essentially consists of two halves: The first part is a dramatic, dark, pensive and ominous orchestral track with a sneaky, foreboding feel.

Social Media Link: https://www.stockmusicsite.com/stockmusic/archive/Dangerous/Dangerous-Music/Legends-of-Sea-and-Land/756783

Artist or Group: Evgeny Emelyanov

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Legends of Sea and Land

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