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Patrice Williams Five Divertimenti, K.229 for Two Clarinets and Bassoon #.2 Larghetto. All were unknown until 1800, when Mozart's widow Constanze wrote to a publisher that the famous clarinetist Anton Stadler still had in his possession 25 pieces by Mozart. It is thought that Mozart wrote this music for garden event, Instrumental, Classical, Classical
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Full Track - Classical, Classical
1176194 4:24 Slow 60 USD $39.95  

Track Summary
Music Track Title: Divertimenti #2 Two Clarinets and Bassoon Larghetto
Catalog ID: 1176194  ISRC: US5UL2307942
Description: Five Divertimenti, K.229 for Two Clarinets and Bassoon #.2 Larghetto. All were unknown until 1800, when Mozart's widow Constanze wrote to a publisher that the famous clarinetist Anton Stadler still had in his possession 25 pieces by Mozart. It is thought that Mozart wrote this music for garden event

Social Media Link: https://www.stockmusicsite.com/stockmusic/archive/Classical/Classical-Period/Divertimenti-2-Two-Clarinets-and-Bassoon-Larghetto/1176194

Artist or Group: Patrice Williams

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Divertimenti #2 Two Clarinets and Bassoon Larghetto

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