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POWER BANK - (by Kolade Olamide Ayodeji)  Year: 2024
Kolade Olamide Ayodeji A hip-hop instrumental filled with clap, synth, bass, and drum sounds that will make you groove. It is an excellent option as background music for a variety of projects. Instrumental, Hip Hop, Hip Hop Instrumental
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Full Track (Original Version) - Hip Hop, Hip Hop Instrumental  
1235717 3:40 Med Slow 90 USD $116.95  

Track Summary
Music Track Title: Power Bank
Catalog ID: 1235717  ISRC: US5UL2414708
Description: A hip-hop instrumental filled with clap, synth, bass, and drum sounds that will make you groove. It is an excellent option as background music for a variety of projects.

Social Media Link: https://www.stockmusicsite.com/stockmusic/archive/Hip-Hop/Hip-Hop-Instrumental/Power-Bank/1235717

Artist or Group: Kolade Olamide Ayodeji

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Power Bank

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