Scary Horror Thriller Music and SFX For Halloween
For Spine-Tingling Fun, We've Got The Music For a Ghoulish Good Time

What can be scarier than midnight in a deep forest with distant church bells chiming, crows screaming, and a 9-foot-tall monster behind the tree!?!  Run for your life!  Our composers have conjured up creepy, spooky music perfect for your evil Horror and Halloween movies, twisted video games, and nightmare commercials! 

Here you will discover Satanic chanting, organ swells, scurrying rats and screeching bats, yelping coyotes on steroids, cannibal feasts, and freaky-spacey music for paranormal settings, whack-o carnival rides, haunted houses, vampires, zombies, and other gross-out tracks – all to scare the kiddies. And take a listen to the creepy "Buried Alive -- I'm Not Dead Yet" for a real groaning howl...
With tens of thousands of hot music and sound effect tracks for your horror flicks, haunted houses, Halloween specials, video games, software, iPhone apps and all kinds of embedded uses, sets the standard for Halloween Horror!

Top Horror Artists

Pierre Langer Pierre Langer
Tom Jemmott Tom Jemmott
Dewey Dellay Dewey Dellay
Michael Crowther Michael Crowther
David C. Hewitt David C. Hewitt
Music Candy Music Candy
David Gosnell David Gosnell
Space Taster Space Taster
Joel Steudler Joel Steudler
MX47 MX47

New Horror Tracks

Joao Queiros The Angel and the Seal
Joao Queiros The Trap I
Mickael David Haunted Catacombs
Vicente Sanchez Shaky Silhouettes
Vicente Sanchez Denizens of the Deep
Adam Agnilleri The Tension March
Mickael David Shaft of Darkness
Seva M Ghosts Chores
Seva M Ghost Business
Botabateau Funny Halloween


Top Horror Tracks

Pierre Langer Spirit of Light
Tom Jemmott Scary Fairy
Pierre Langer Morpheus Calls
Justin Crosby An Assassin's Tale
Pierre Langer Arise From Ashes
Steve Probst Chiller
Pierre Langer Fist of Might
Jeremy Luzier After 400 Years
Clark Ford Spiderwebs in My Hai..
Michael Crowther Ghosts in the Twilight
Tom Jemmott Nightmare
Alessandro Gozzo Witched House
Bryan Fusilier Hitchcock
David C. Hewitt Dies Irae
Richard Freitas Menace
Jean-Thomas Cloutier Circus
Dewey Dellay Theremin Vitaman
Music Candy Last Stand
Space Taster Monster Parade
Felix Carcone String Chase - Orche..
Elite Sync Lab Technically Insane
David C. Hewitt Saw VIII
David C. Hewitt The Omen
Joel Steudler Gremlin Choir
Robert Neary Empty World
Music Candy Exorcism Gone Wrong
Bjarne O. They Are Coming
RLC Music I See Dead People
Pierre Langer Wolfpack
House of Horror Heavy Metal Powerful..
La Collection Le Dejeuner
Christopher Fuller The Summoning
SoundZOID Monster Mash Dance P..
LES - Lazzeri Ermini Salucco Evil Lullaby
Pierre Langer Chaos
Pierre Langer Alliance of Darkness
Frank Wolf Fear the Darkness
HarpString Productions Twinkle Twinkle Litt..
Gary Wolk Stranger Things
Louise Heaney He's Behind You
Max DiCarlo Endless Horror
Studio 1 A Box of Lost Memories
Joe Pignato Halloween Adventure
KCentric Boogey Nights
Adam DiTroia Rats in a Rug
House of Horror Orchestrated Thrille..
Daniel Ottini Ancient Suburban Bur..
Dewey Dellay Spooky Eerie Theremin
Spooky Music I Like Nightmares
Jon Adamich The Walking Dead
Chris Hodges Demented Clown
David Gosnell Occult Voices
Felix Carcone Horror Track
Robert Neary From Hell
Nick Smeenk Crazy Trees
Erik Haddad Critters
Gustavo Coutinho Pumpkins Night
Pierre Langer Damnation
Adam DiTroia Spirit of Halloween
Matthew Reid Creepy Ambient Horro..
E.L. Mahon You Witch
Spooky Music Pirate Treasure
House of Horror Twinkle Twinkle Gone..
Pierre Langer Skies of Fire
Peter Godfrey The Watchers
David Gosnell Bach Fantasia in G M..
Ori Vidislavski House of Halloween
Francesco Accardo Bugaboo
David C. Hewitt The Exorcist 60 Sec
Kevin Packard Late Night Lullaby
Navarr Month Song Hell Chil..
MX47 They Came From Outer..
Matthew Reid Horror Behind the Ce..
Studio 1 Monstrous Mischief
Justin Crosby The Jurassic Beast -..
Bjorn Lynne Disturbed Mind
Adam DiTroia Evil Lurks
Giacomo Bucci Horror
Matthew Reid Quiet Horror
Justin Crosby Portrait of a Serial..
Leran Wang Psychological Epic H..
Alec Makinson Haunted Mansion

Genre List

Classic Retro Thriller
Contemporary Thriller
Creepy Organ Music
Dance Contemporary
Dance Traditional
Funeral & Death
Gothic Intense
Gothic Moderate
Halloween Horror
Halloween Whimsical
Haunted Carnival
Haunted Children
Haunted Mansion
Haunted Pirate Music
Hip Horror
Horror Action Intense
Horror Action Moderate
Horror Ambience
Horror Chase
Horror Contemplative
Horror Edgy
Horror Electronica
Horror Haunted Choirs
Horror Metal
Horror MusicPacks
Horror Piano
Horror Psychological
Horror Torture Music
Horror World Beat
Monster Pop
Theremin music

Haunted Children & Nursery Rhymes
Scary, evil, macabre and/or possessed children laughing, playing, crying or singing nursery rhymes, and horror instrumental versions of nursery rhymes.

Morris Hayes Jr
Michael Keck
Darren Lucas
Justin Crosby
Adam DiTroia
Mark J Smith
Louise Heaney
Alexander Khaskin
Music Candy
Kevin Packard
Kevin Packard
Filmmusic Group
Studio 1
Chris Thomas
Ross Milligan
HarpString Productions
HarpString Productions

Haunted Carnival and Circus Music
Sometimes a fun experience such as a trip to a carnival or circus can go horribly awry. The music here captures that scenario for you, ready for use in your film, TV show, game or other media.

Michael Keck
Scott Lasky
Nery Bauer
Francesco Accardo
Christian Umlauf
Music And SFX
Philip Shorey
Apocalypse Cow
Joe Pignato
Erik Haddad
Chris Hodges
Danny Rules
Ori Vidislavski
Danny Rules
House of Horror
Daniel Cullen
Will Graettinger
Jean-Thomas Cloutier
Francesco Accardo
Jonathan Wright

Edgy Horror Music
Edgy building horror music, with a sinister present danger, perfect for lurking evil, stranger in waiting, imminently upon you with horrible consequences.

Richard Freitas
Nitzan Sagie
Richard Freitas
Really Free Music
Craig McConnell
Craig McConnell
Bjorn Lynne
Adam Skorupa
Robert Neary
David C. Hewitt
Max DiCarlo
Christian Andersson
Evan Zappa & the Necessity
Adam DiTroia
Garry Cribb
Big Sound Music
Adam DiTroia
Greg Patmore
John Lawrence Schick

Moderate Horror Music
Horror music for moderate action scenes, not overly intense. Evil in motion, preparing for a dreaded confrontation or situation.

Tom Jemmott
Gary Wolk
Bjorn Lynne
Ori Vidislavski
Pierre Langer
Justin Crosby
Paul Curtis
SMM Productions
Dewey Dellay
Garry Cribb
Richard Jungles
Edd Charmant
Edd Charmant
K.O. Star Productions
Joe Pignato
Peter Godfrey
Peter Godfrey
Space Taster
Stefan Klein
Christopher Fuller

Intense Horror Music
Intense, supremely scary music for heavy action scenes, battles and climaxes. This is ultra- frightening music, super intense, bone chilling and highly dangerous.

Jonathan Geer
Tom Jemmott
Richard Freitas
Adam DiTroia
Joel Steudler
Bjorn Lynne
House of Horror
Justin Crosby
Pierre Langer
Igge Scoce
Greg Patmore
Max DiCarlo
Max DiCarlo
Vladimir Kalpin
Dewey Dellay
Adam DiTroia
Jim Moncur
Justin Crosby

Spooky Whacky Theremin Music
The theremin is a wacky electronic music instrument invented in the 1920s. Often associated with a very eerie sound, this led to its use in movie soundtracks and as theme tunes on TV. It's a classic retro music sound often associated with sci-fi and supernatural occurrences, and makes a great effect in dramatic horror music.

Dewey Dellay
Dewey Dellay
Eric Bode
Jive Ass Sleepers
Dewey Dellay
Fortuna Bonam
Fortuna Bonam
Adam DiTroia
Eric Bode
Daniel Godsil
Adam DiTroia
James Gray
Christian Umlauf
Jive Ass Sleepers
Aaron J Curtis
Paul Curtis
Paul Curtis
Fortuna Bonam

Horror Ambient Soundscapes
Quasi-musical in nature, these soundscapes and underscores are horrifying and fear-inducing. More special effect than music, a soundscape often consts of natural sounds such as animal sounds, weather and other natural elements often mixed with environmental sounds.

Adam DiTroia
Thomas Stobierski
Bjorn Lynne
Alexander Khaskin
Bjorn Lynne
Igge Scoce
Michael Bozzo
Michael Keck
Michael Keck
Michael Keck
Michael Keck
Michael Keck
Dmytro Krasiuk
Andrew GCN Fleming
Andrew GCN Fleming
Justin Crosby
Roberto Feltracco
Ilya Kaplan & Stan Fomin
Kenneth W. Lovell Jr
Tom Hajduk

Halloween Horror
Here you will discover scary, horrific, music for Halloween. This subgenre presents music that is ideal for Halloween horror film and TV productions; it is the perfect music for this occasion, very frightening, perfect for capturing the dread and horror of Halloween, when the dead walk the earth and all hell breaks loose.

Peter Godfrey
Adam DiTroia
Michael Keck
Bjarne O.
Robert Neary
Stir Crazy
Garry Cribb
Garry Cribb
Space Taster
The Tune Mill
Annie McGee
Michael Keck
Bjarne O.
Carl Miles
Ari Nigam
Ari Nigam
Wilton Vought
Bjarne O.
Felix Carcone

Halloween Whimsical and Kitschy Music
Scary, whacky, silly, music for Halloween, perfect for trick-or-treaters, costume parties, carving pumpkins, bonfires, visiting haunted attractions, playing pranks, telling scary stories, and watching horror films. This is the perfect music for this occasion, not overly horrifying, often kitschy in nature.

Music And SFX
Space Taster
Space Taster
Alec Makinson
Jason Bradley Livesay
Laura Sanz
Space Taster
Peter Godfrey
Tom Jemmott
Laura Sanz
Garry Cribb
Adagio Music
ProMusic Productions
Music For TV and Games
Garry Cribb
Garry Cribb
John M. Peters
Alec Makinson
Paint Chips
Felix Carcone

Haunted Creepy Organ Music
The music of church pipe organs works well in the Horror music genre. Envision an evil, deranged psychotic lunatic, sitting in a hallowed place such as a church, invoking the Devil himself via some unholy musical ability.

David Gosnell
Fortuna Bonam
Andrew Reilly
Adam DiTroia
Adam DiTroia
Bobby Cole
Michael Crowther
Alec Makinson
David Gosnell
Isaac Moore
Moscow Symphony Orchestra
Annie McGee
Robert Neary
Suzannah Doyle
Darren W. Chamberlain
Fortuna Bonam
Alec Makinson
George and Marguerite
David Gosnell

Gothic Horror Music
Gothic music is used often in horror productions. It's perfect for evil-laden scenes, both traditional and contemporary, where some horror is manifesting itself, revealing the pure evil nature that lurks within.

Pierre Langer
David C. Hewitt
David Gosnell
Dewey Dellay
Michael Crowther
Adam DiTroia
Juan Pablo Zaragoza
Pierre Langer
Pierre Langer
David C. Hewitt
Pierre Langer
Pierre Langer
Joel Steudler
Pierre Langer
Dewey Dellay
David B. McDonald
Daniel Godsil
Adam DiTroia
Andy L

Sound Effects for Halloween and Horror
Here you will discover all the sound effects of Halloween and Horror including Beasts, Cauldrons boiling, Chainsaws, Creaking doors and floors, Creatures, Devil, Satan and minions, Dungeons, Evil laughter, Ghosts, Ghouls, Goblins, Graveyards, Gremlins, Grim Reaper, Haunted houses, Hell, Monsters, Nightmares, Ogres, Psychotic lunatics, Scary voices, Screaming, Torture chambers, Trick-or-Treaters, Vampire bats, Vampires, Werewolfs, Witches and Zombies.

Hollywood Post
Indigo Sound LLC
X-Ray Sound Studios
Soundtrack Tools & SFX
Simon Stockhausen
Simon Stockhausen
Fear Productions
The Producers
Ultimate Sound
Fear Productions
Ron Short
Simon Stockhausen
Toxic Bag Productions
Toxic Bag Productions
Fear Productions
Ron Short

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