Harp Ballet 2:11 by The Music Bakery

The Music Bakery
By: The Music Bakery
Catalog ID: 278585   Edit Type: Stinger   Duration: 2:11
Tempo: Med Slow   BPM: 94   Vocal: N/A

Genre: Dramatic Music | Ethereal, dreamy and beautiful music

Social Media Link: https://www.stockmusicsite.com/stockmusic/archive/Dramatic/Ethereal-Music/Harp-Ballet-2-11/278585
Moderate: Angelic and graceful. A delicate wash of wispy glissandos and gossamer chords.  

Price: USD $204.95
For use in all media, in perpetuity, throughout the world and Universe
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HARP BALLET 2:11 - (by The Music Bakery)  Year: 2008
The Music Bakery Moderate: Angelic and graceful. A delicate wash of wispy glissandos and gossamer chords. Dramatic, Ethereal Music
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278585 2:11 Med Slow 94 USD $204.95  
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Harp Ballet 2:11

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