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AWAY IN A MANGER - (by Brockton James)  Year: 2009
Brockton James Classic Christmas song, using the melody most commonly known in the US, although there are passages of the European version added to provide a medley feel! Very simple combo instrumentation with flute, guitar, vibes, viola, bass and drums. Suitable for any holiday mood requiring a light background. Instrumental, Christmas, Xmas Ensemble
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Full Track - Christmas, Xmas Ensemble
367642 1:54 Med Slow 90 USD $39.95  
Stinger - Christmas, Xmas Ensemble
368802 0:09 Med Slow 90 USD $19.95  

Track Summary
Music Track Title: Away in a Manger
Catalog ID: 367642  ISRC: US5UL0925994
Description: Classic Christmas song, using the melody most commonly known in the US, although there are passages of the European version added to provide a medley feel! Very simple combo instrumentation with flute, guitar, vibes, viola, bass and drums. Suitable for any holiday mood requiring a light background.

Social Media Link: https://www.stockmusicsite.com/stockmusic/archive/Christmas/Christmas-Ensemble/Away-in-a-Manger/367642

Artist or Group: Brockton James
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Away in a Manger

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