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BRIGHT LIGHTS - (by Ingvi Thor Kormaksson)  Year: 2008
Ingvi Thor Kormaksson Classic sounding, funky blues track, with hammond, guitar and brass. Baritone male vocals. Lyrics refer to the dangers of life in the big city. Drum kit with brushes, electric guitar (solo) and a rhodes piano (solo). Professional, live playing. Finalist (Jazz/Blues): UNISONG Intern. Song Contest. Male Vocals, Blues, Modern Electric Blues
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Full Track - Blues, Modern Electric Blues
609937 3:57 Medium 121 USD $89.95  

Track Summary
Music Track Title: Bright Lights
Catalog ID: 609937  ISRC: US5UL1337576
Description: Classic sounding, funky blues track, with hammond, guitar and brass. Baritone male vocals. Lyrics refer to the dangers of life in the big city. Drum kit with brushes, electric guitar (solo) and a rhodes piano (solo). Professional, live playing. Finalist (Jazz/Blues): UNISONG Intern. Song Contest.

Social Media Link: https://www.stockmusicsite.com/stockmusic/archive/Blues/Modern-Electric-Blues/Bright-Lights/609937

Artist or Group: Ingvi Thor Kormaksson
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