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WATCHING HER SLEEP - (by Kurt Kreimier)  Year: 2008
Kurt Kreimier Elegant, sweet, tender flute melody accompanied by harp, cello, viola and violin chamber strings. Full cello, viola, violin and double bass sections are added the 2nd time through providing a nice lift and fullness to the piece. Excellent for any situation requiring sweet, romantic, serene moods. Instrumental, Classical, Classical
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
Full Track - Classical, Classical
476094 3:10 Med Slow 85 USD $104.95  

Track Summary
Music Track Title: Watching Her Sleep
Catalog ID: 476094  ISRC: US5UL1127684
Description: Elegant, sweet, tender flute melody accompanied by harp, cello, viola and violin chamber strings. Full cello, viola, violin and double bass sections are added the 2nd time through providing a nice lift and fullness to the piece. Excellent for any situation requiring sweet, romantic, serene moods.

Social Media Link: https://www.stockmusicsite.com/stockmusic/archive/Classical/Classical-Miscellaneous/Watching-Her-Sleep/476094

Artist or Group: Kurt Kreimier

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