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Cold Manicotti's SoundPacks

3 SoundPacks Online

Cold Manicotti USD $413.95
These are the songs that FEATURE acoustic guitars as the main and driving force behind each tune. From the Ballads to Pop oriented arrangements, this is the sound that has taken over the Indie radio charts! Superb vocals on all songs complete this GREAT pack!
Cold Manicotti USD $394.95
This is the MusicPack for that more "mature" attitude. Smart compositions and trendy vocals that are IDEAL for the 30's something drama, romance, comedy, theme music... it has it ALL! The most POPULAR tracks.

Cold Manicotti USD $409.95
The pack that well... PACKS a punch! These are the tunes that bring an attitude and an edge to the party with driving guitars, bass, vocals and smart songwriting that passes the test WITHOUT cramming! Great for the 20's something dramas and comedies, extreme sports and Generation-X aimed themes.

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Cold Manicotti SoundPacks
