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A NEW DAY - 30 SEC - (by Lindy Botha)  Year: 2010
Lindy Botha A light, feel-good, happy song. Creative piano melodies, solid acoustic guitar rhythms, smooth ambiance, and a good drum and bass blend. Positive, optimistic cheerful. This track will work well in a feel-good film scene, documentary, corporate video, slidehow etc. Very inspirational. Instrumental, Rock, Soft Rock
Type Play Track Info Catalog ID Min:Sec Tempo & BPM Price Control
30sec - Rock, Soft Rock
487156 0:36 Medium 120 USD $82.95  

Track Summary
Music Track Title: A New Day - 30 Sec
Catalog ID: 487156  ISRC: US5UL1128449
Description: A light, feel-good, happy song. Creative piano melodies, solid acoustic guitar rhythms, smooth ambiance, and a good drum and bass blend. Positive, optimistic cheerful. This track will work well in a feel-good film scene, documentary, corporate video, slidehow etc. Very inspirational.

Social Media Link: https://www.stockmusicsite.com/stockmusic/archive/Rock/Soft-Rock/A-New-Day-30-Sec/487156

Artist or Group: Lindy Botha
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A New Day - 30 Sec

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